摘 要:本次毕业设计的题目为某轻型货车的驱动桥设计,在一般的汽车结构中,驱动 桥包括主减速器、差速器、驱动车轮的传动装置及桥壳等部件。
本文介绍了某轻型货车驱动桥的整个设计过程,包括以下内容,首先先对驱动 桥的结构形式进行了分析,确定了驱动桥的结构型式,然后介绍了主减速器的两种 支承型式,并对主减速器的基本参数进行了选择和设计计算,接着确定了差速器的 一些基本参数,对行星齿轮和半轴齿轮进行设计计算,然后对驱动桥半轴的尺寸进 行了计算选取,校核了半轴的强度,使其达到设计要求;选取了桥壳的结构型式, 对其在各种工况下的受力情况进行了分析计算,以达到强度要求;最后使用 CATIA 软件对驱动桥进行三维实体建模,完成其主要零部件部件的实体建模,并完成驱动 桥的装配。
Abstract:The subject of this graduated design is designing drive axle assemblies of a Commercial Vehicle.In the ecumenical parts of truck ,drive axle assemblies has embraces parts as follows: main retarder, differential,driving wheel ,housing and so on.
This paper introduces the whole designing course of the drive axle assemblies of a Commercial Vehicle,it contents are showing as follows,according to the demand of design,first, analyse the structure of the drive axle assemblies,ascertain the structure of the drive axle assemblies,second,introduce the two types of the main retarder, choose and calculate the basal parameter of the main retarder,third,ascertain the basal parameter of the differential, design the differential pinion gear and axles,choosing the main dimension and checking the intensity of axles.choosing the structure of the housing ,analysing and calculating the pressure under all kinds of conditions.finally,applying the software of CATIA to finish the entity modeling of drive axle assemblies ,and finish assembling it.
Keyword:drive axle assemblies,main retarder, differential