关键词:大屋顶 木构建筑 “人”字形 艺术
Abstract:In the Wooden Architecture, “People” shaped structure as the basic skeleton of “big roof”, and the application and developments of “big roof”which reflects the wonderful building craftsman of Architecture as well as status and influence of it,and expresses the culture、national customs of the Wooden Architecture of ancient China and so on, as the topic object of study.
Chapter,overview: mainly discusses the investigative status、purpose and significance、basic ideas and content overview,and it illustrates the pratical and decorative significance of the “big roof”. ChapterⅡ, Wooden Architecture Art and Design of thinking activity: to understand the building and preliminary analyze the architecture art, and discuss the formation of the thinking ideology. at the some time, it always proposes why is the wooden architecture in China ancient, and discusses the important part—big roof. ChapterⅢ, around the "big roof " to start, by the changing and extending of "Human"shape the basic framework in the form, we can understand the politis、economic and cultural、Aesthetic and so on, which are contained in Wooden Architecture Art. ChapterⅣ, it lelates the function of “big roof” in the Wooden Architecture, and throughes the comparion between the Wooden Architecture with others to show the status of big roof, thereby,it always expresses the status of The Wooden Architecture Art.
Key words: “big roof” wooden architecture art “People” shaped