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  • 更新时间:2013-09-02
  • 论文字数:5139
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  • 课题来源:(Angela)提供原创文章


摘要:新时代数字化空间给艺术创作带来新的语言、新的形式、也给我们的生活与观念带了巨大变化。面对这一切的变化,艺术专业人员认真思考我们的作用,思想性、艺术性、创新性多种行业的合作是数码 艺术的重要特征。我们经常谈论生存空间、想象空间、虚拟空间、情感空间、个人空间……,新世纪又带给我们一个数字空间。对于不同的空间,我们会有不同的感悟,不同的发现,不同的审美形式,不同的观念。有人认为,创造新的美学形式是人类最多产的根本性行为。创造出新的艺术观念,就找到了使人们从无到有进行交流方法。人类的这一活动,一直是人类 历史 进程的基础。 对艺术而言,媒介不仅构成了艺术实践活动的前提与基础,而且直接规定着艺术的分类乃至艺术作品的审美风格,深刻影响着艺术家的艺术思维活动和技巧操作。在古典艺术设计那里,媒介被透明地隐藏在作品的内容与形象之中;在现代主义设计中,媒介成了形式自律的主人,构成了设计艺术的主题。



Abstract:We often talk about living space and imaginary space, virtual space, emotional space, individual space... The new century and bring us a digital space. For different space, we will have different feeling, different findings, different aesthetic form, different ideas. Somebody thinks, create new aesthetic form is the most prolific fundamental human behavior. Create a new artistic conception, and you'll find it makes people communicate method from scratch. The human the event, the course of human history is always based.

As for art, media not only constitute art practice activities, and the premise and foundation of the stipulated directly with art works of art classification and even the aesthetic style, profound impact on the artist's artistic thinking activity and skill operation. In the classical art design there, media transparently hidden in the content and image works in discourse; In modernistic design, media became form master of self-discipline, constitutes the art design theme.

keywords: media, multi-dimensional space, innovative ideas, cooperation and ideas