Abstract:The twenty-first century is an age of rapid development of science and technology information, as the aging of the population in China has become increasingly evident, the quality of life for the elderly people pursuits is higher and higher. However, our side entertainment electronic products are mostly for young people design, very few is really suitable for elderly people, especially those newly high-tech entertainment electronic products, much less for them use.
This paper introduces the present situation and the development trend of aging society, gets knowledge of the old people's physical and mental characteristics, and invests the old entertainment way of life needs, then puts forward that interface interaction mode is really the best way to meet the requirements of old people after analyzing the physical and psychological features of old people and knowing the characteristics of them. With the analysis of existing entertainment electronics interface interaction way as a prerequisite benchmark, summarizes what kind of interactive way is good enough to be applied to the old people's entertainment electronics interface interaction design, proposes a kind of innovative interactive experience on the basis of the existing old people entertainment electronic products interactive way, for the aged in the use of entertainment electronic products, also can use high-tech products easily as young people. It can promote a harmonious state between computer and humans, let old people no longer feel lonely or fall behind to young people, and can be able to enjoy the pleasure life that the modern science and technology bring to.
Key Words:Elderly people,Entertainment electronic products, Interface design, Interactive way