摘要:网络红人“芙蓉”“凤姐”“小月月” 以反传统的形式登上了社会的大舞台,让我们感受着“丑”的刺激。她们的出现颠覆了传统的审美观,掀起了一股审丑的热潮。网络媒体不但把丑作为传播对象,而且还通过审丑这一策略手段来实现媒体自身利益的获取。本文从网络媒体审丑现象来探讨媒体社会功能的异变,反思当今社会流行文化对社会伦理的深刻影响,提出解决问题的思路建议。
关键词:审丑现象; 网络媒体 ; 社会功能异变
Abstract:The Red Network "FuRong" "FengJie", "XiaoYueYue" in the form of anti-traditional society boarded the big stage, let us feel the "ugliness" of the stimulus. The emergence of their subversion of the traditional aesthetic, setting off a wave of ugliness. Internet media is not only ugly as the spread of the object, but also through ugly means to achieve this strategy, media access to their own interests. This ugly phenomenon of media from the network to explore the social function of the mutation and the media, reflection of popular culture in today's society a profound impact on social ethics, the idea put forward proposals to solve the problem.
Keywords: Ugly phenomenon; network media; social function mutation
“网络红人”现象反映了部分受众审美价值观的异变:以丑为美。也给受众误导一种错误信息,即成为网络红人才是人生最高境界,从事其它职业都是没有前途的。网络红人们在某些方面确实给受众带来一定的积极影响,也不能否认网络红人们一夜成名、一夜暴富又给受众带来了不少消极因素,特别是对青少年的价值观有极大的反面影响。“如果任由仅具备一些注意力而缺乏影响力的“泡沫化”网络红人泛滥, 就会带来一些值得人们探讨和深思的社会问题。而且许多的传统媒体,对“网络红人”又不恰当地起到了推波助澜的作用。我们应当正视“网络红人”现象对受众思想领域方面的影响,积极探寻缩小其负面影响”。