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关键词: 酒店管理;个性化;服务


Abstract:The hotel this word is derived from the French, it is to point to in the country at the time of the noble villas, mainly used to entertain guests. Countries such as Britain and then use this word to call all the business LvYouXing accommodations. With the development of economy, the improvement of the traffic, people's pursuit of hotel service also in the continuous development. Nearly 10 years "personalized service" the title in the service industry especially hotel industry appear to be more and more frequent, also proved the importance of individualized service has been services that are identified. Although the individualized service this concept in the hotel industry is more and more popular, but in China, most of the hotel or said have to do a little, many hotels so-called personalized service also only stay in a more surface level.

Key Words:Hotel management;individuation;service


酒店的标准化服务已经不能适应酒店业日益激烈的竞争。标准化服务虽然能保证服务与产品的基本质量稳定,增强规模效应,但在激烈竞争下,个性化服务才是酒店服务发展的趋势。酒店是顾客的“家外之家”,作为家外之家的酒店应该让顾客感到温馨,安全与适应,提供个性化服务正正可以使顾客感受到这一点。个性化服务满足了顾客自我实现的需要,加深了酒店同顾客之间的情感,把传统酒店或顾客单方面的“独角戏”,变成了酒店与顾客之间的“双人舞”。在越来越趋个性化的消费市场,热情,真诚地为顾客利益着想的服务,往往会给顾客带来更大的满足。发达国家的酒店业提出一个口号:Breaking the rules for better service(打破规范去创造更好的服务)。个性化服务正是顺应世界酒店业的这种潮流而提出的。当然,酒店实行个性化服务必须以服务的规范化、标准化为基础,如果在规范化缺乏基础的前提下去奢谈个性化服务,那只能是舍本求末,缘木求鱼。