关键词 房地产投资;风险分析;风险评价
Abstract:Real estate investment has the characteristics of large investment cost, long investment cycle.The real estate investment can obtain the income affected by macroeconomic environment, financial interest rates change, the market supply and demand, natural environment, business strategy and corporate financial revenues and expenditures and other risk factors.We are in the profit for the purpose of investment in real estate projects,want to with a low risk,low cost and high returns, so we need to to conduct a comprehensive, systematic and scientific analysis before the investment to make the right decision. In the real estate investment project, a correct decision is the key to ultimately can reap the benefits.
This paper mainly studies the real estate investment project risk, and the identification, classification and evaluation of that may be encountered in the real estate investment risk.Risk analysis and evaluation of the real estate project investment is mainly the use of some financial indicators for quantitative analysis, the main analysis methods are financial index analysis, break-even analysis, sensitivity analysis, probability analysis method. This paper mainly through the analysis of the financial indicators analysis degree of risk of the project, again through the sensitivity analysis to project some influential factors are analyzed.
Keywords investment in real estates risk analysis risk evaluation