摘要:近年来,我国中小企业迅速崛起,为中国经济发展注入强大动力。在创造超过50% GDP的同时,还解决了就业、财政、城乡一体化建设等诸多问题,成为我国发展的重要力量。但是,我国的金融环境缺陷和中小企业自身弊病导致中小企业融资困难。资金短缺,融资渠道狭窄等问题正制约着中小企业的壮大。自上世纪90年代初,我国就已经关注此问题,随着国家相应政策法规的出台和金融体制的深化改革,中小企业融资难问题有了一定程度的改观,但成效仍不明显。本文希望通过大量文献阅读,资料总结,观察分析目前中小企业的融资现状,找到产生这种状况的真正原因,同时结合我国目前金融环境,借鉴发达国家的经验,探索出较为可行的解决我国中小企业融资难问题的方法和施行手段。
关键词:中小企业 融资 融资渠道 金融创新
Abstract:The medium-sized and small enterprises in our country have made a vigorous development in recent years. The booming gave a new impetus into Chinese economic development. Besides, it solved some peculiar problem of employment, public financing and the unified design between the city and the countryside. But the imperfection of financial environment and the drawbacks of minor enterprises blocked the way to make breakthrough. It made little effect although the government has published some polices and made institutional reform. The dissertation is designed to find the reasons and makes a workable program to solve the problem.
Keywords:Medium-sized and small enterprises, Fund-raising, financing channel,financial innovation