摘 要:食物是人类赖以生存和发展的基本的物质条件,伴随着人们生活条件的不断改善,人们迫切的要求保障食品的安全。但人们的诉求并没有真实的出现在人们的餐桌上。以2003年阜阳劣质奶粉案为序幕,我国进入了一个食品安全事故频发的时代。从苏丹红到三聚氰胺,从农药残留到抗生素残留,我国食品安全方面涌现的各种不良事件已经在很大程度上影响了人们对于食品安全的信心,出现了不放心、不信任、不敢吃的现状,近期出现的“抗生素鸡”、黄浦江死猪、美素丽儿奶粉、假羊肉等事件更是让消费者寒心。“哪怕只有0.001%的不合格,落到消费者身上就是百分之百。我们必须须臾不敢掉以轻心,就是要坚持对食品安全问题的‘零容忍’,给老百姓以信心。”质检部门的一席话给我们敲响了警钟,尤其是处在生产源头的企业,更应该践行“零容忍”原则,做有良心的好企业。“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”,消费者是食品企业发展的土壤和水源,食品企业只有真正的担负起自己的社会责任,让消费者真正安心、放心,才能迎来食品企业发展的春天,才能推动企业的长久可持续发展。本文从现今食品安全现状分析着手,从法律环境、政府监管,企业自身,整个行业等视角,深入剖析食品行业社会责任缺失的原因,并提出了解决此问题的方案。
Abstract:Food is the most basic material conditions of human existence and development, as people's living standards increasing food security has become the people's urgent requirements. As a prelude to 2003 Fuyang inferior milk powder case, China has entered the era of a food safety frequent accidents. From Sudan to melamine residues from pesticide residues to antibiotics, the types of adverse events in the field of food safety in China has greatly affected public confidence in food safety, do not trust, do not trust, did not dare eat the status quo, recent antibiotic chicken, dead pigs of the Huangpu River, the Suli children milk, fake lamb event is to allow consumers chilling. “Even if only 0.001% of unqualified, fell to consumers at the pump is 100%, we must be even for a moment lightly, is to adhere to food safety issues ‘zero tolerance’, people with confidence. “Quality inspection department’s remarks give us a wake-up call, especially at the source of production enterprises, should practice the principle of “zero tolerance”, the real take up their social responsibility to do good business with a conscience. “Water can carry a boat, can also overturn it”, consumers are food enterprise development, soil and water, and only allow consumers real peace of mind, rest assured that food enterprise development in order to usher in the spring, in order to promote long-term sustainable development of the enterprise.This article analyzes the current status of food safety, from the perspective of the legal environment, government regulation, the enterprises themselves, the whole industry, in-depth analysis of the reasons for the lack of social responsibility of the food industry, and proposes a solution to solve this problem.
Keywords: Food companies; food safety; social responsibility