摘 要:随着中国改革开放的持续推进和经济全球化的进程,国人的收入在不断增加,生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人开始关注、购买价格昂贵的奢侈品,奢侈品市场一派繁荣景象。遍布世界各地的奢侈品品牌旗舰店挤满了中国游客,奢侈品逐渐进入中国人的生活。
关键词:奢侈品 奢侈品消费群体 奢侈品营销策略 奢侈品营销规律
Abstract:With the continued advance of China's reform and opening up and the process of economic globalization, people's income is increasing, rising living standards, more and more people started to pay attention to, the purchase of expensive luxury, the luxury market prospering. The luxury brand flagship stores around the world packed with Chinese tourists, luxury gradually enter the Chinese people's lives.
In this paper, as an entry point to the origins and basic concepts of luxury, analysis of the basic features of the luxury consumer groups and the similarities and differences of Chinese and foreign consumers of luxury goods, designed to explore the luxury marketing strategy, explained the general rules of luxury marketing.
Key Words:Luxury goods Luxury consumer groups Luxury marketing strategy General law of luxury marketing