关键词:配送中心 内部规划 流程管理
ABSTRACT:Distribution center is a warehouse, which is the intermediate storage between goods from manufacturers to retailers, is concentrated and dispersed materials, to boost the flow of the goods. So, the location of the distribution center in the enterprise is quite important. Reasonable planning and management can effectively save the cost, can promote coordination and cooperation of production and consumption of flow, can Ensure the attainment of a balanced development of the logistics system. Logistics distribution center in the process of planning and management needs according to the actual situation specific and rigorous exploration, this also highlights the importance of the logistics distribution center fully. A good logistics distribution center can better promote the rapid development of logistics industry, can save the logistics cost, can improve the economic benefit, social benefits better to serve economic development.
Nowadays, logistics distribution center of a lot of enterprises in the planning and management has certain problem. Through on-the-spot investigation to the A enterprise, to analysis the A enterprise's logistics distribution center two aspects of location problems and management problems, find out the deficiency existing in the enterprises in the two aspects, combined with professional academic knowledge and undergraduate course knowledge our learned, analysis on problems.
Keywords:distribution center ;Internal planning ;Process management