关键词:上海银行 竞争力 对策
Abstract: As the financial market gradually opening,the competition of the banking is from original taking market share tends to diversification development,commercial Banks now prefer to develop their services and products’ characteristic to enhance their competitiveness.First of all,the article describe the judge standard of the Bank,including the bank's profit ability,risk control,to judge the liquidity leve,etc.Management,technology,services, and the numerical indicators also become commercial bank evaluation indicators.Second,the brief introduction of bank evaluation index and the data of Shanghai bank itself compared to other commercial bank,the bank of Shanghai in the banking environment,the overall average data of large commercial Banks and city commercial bank's overall average data comparison with data of the bank of Shanghai,you can see bank of Shanghai positioning within the industry;Compared with the competitors of the same type, we also can see bank of Shanghai's weakness in some ways;We would find Bank of Shanghai,it’s own,which aspects has promoted,otherwise should be promote than halting since comparing by the data.Finally,according to the problems of competitive disadvantage and problem exists in bank of Shanghai and,we should put forward the solutions such as increasing asset,emphasizing regional features,focus on service customers so that improve the internal management and hardware to recover the disadvantages at the same time.
Key words: Bank of Shanghai competitiveness resources