关键字:物流 配送 运输路径优化 节约里程法
ABSTRACT:With the development of the economy,as ‘The third profit source’, Logistics becomes more and more important in people’s life. As the direct mean for customer service, no doubt the distribution of transport is one of the important links in the management of Logistics. Under the development of the various consumer demands, customers have more and more requirements on the quality and delivery time of distribution, what’s more, the cost of distribution speaks highly in the total cost, however, whether the transport route is reasonable or not seriously affects the speed and cost of distribution. So, reduce the cost of distribution, improve the quality of service and optimize the transport route become the research emphasis.
This article firstly makes brief explain of the basic concept of optimizing the transport route, and then analyze the research and development of optimizing transport route throughout the world. At last, take the transport of ‘Fang Hong Food stores’ as a case, to make a analysis of the condition of the transport of ‘Fang’, meanwhile apply saving algorithm to optimize the transport route of ‘Fang’. It proves that the saving algorithm can play a better role in the transportation path optimization problem, for enterprises to shorten the transport distance, saved transport costs, improved logistics efficiency, and enhanced the overall competitiveness of enterprises.
Key words: Logistics; Distribution; Transportation Route Optimization; Economize Algorithms