关键词:回收物流 回收模式 数学模型
ABSTRACT:In today's increasingly fierce competition, in order to reduce the enterprise cost and the environmental protection, recycling will become the enterprise logistics is a key problem, recycling logistics is enterprise implementation of circular economy and green environmental protection is important one annulus. Returned logistics refers to the unqualified item repair, return and the return of the flow used in the packaging from the buyer to article entity that the supplier form flow. Enterprises to recycle work effectively, the key is to adopt suitable for recycling mode of the company. How to effectively recycle, to make maximum use of resources, is to choose the logistics mode.
S enterprise of logistics mode research is the analysis of the different links of recycling methods of comparison to select the optimal model, by establishing a mathematical model to the specific research.At present there are three kinds of typical recovery mode: the third party is responsible to recycle, Manufacturers association is responsible to recycle and the producer is responsible to recycle. S recycling mode is adopted by the enterprise will be specific to the suppliers, distribution centers and stores. To establish the model, by comparing the various modes of recycling costs, the number of recycling, recovery effort and producer profits to obtain the optimal solution.
Keywords:Returned logistics;recovery mode;the model of Mathematical