伴随着60中国市场的不断开放,国际市场环境的变化,对我国纺织品服装出口贸易的影响越来越明显。目前,我国已经成为世界上最大的纺织生产大国。同时,我国纺织品和服装出口量居世界第一,在全球纺织品服装贸易中占有重要地位。随着我国经济体制的改革,汇率和 出口退税 等经济调节手段的频繁使用,直接影响着纺织服装产业及出口贸易的发展。在新的历史发展阶段,如何稳固出口大国地位,如何增强出口产品竞争力,最终实现从贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,正是“十二五”时期我国纺织服装产业发展的战略目标。
关键词:纺织品; 出口; SWOT; 影响因素; 对策
ABSTRACT:With the development of the global economic situation, China's textile exports are facing new economic environment. Quantitative easing in the United States, China's textile exports face more serious problems caused by U.S. monetary easing dollar further exacerbated the decline of China's exports. Quantitative easing monetary policy prompted the U.S. currency devaluations to stimulate growth and employment in the U.S. economy to expand and improve the competitiveness of products, improved import demand in developing countries to developed countries , developing countries to reduce trade surplus . It is foreseeable that the U.S. quantitative easing monetary policy will reduce China's exports.
With 60 of the Chinese market continues to open up the international market environment changes, China's textile and garment export trade of more and more obvious. At present, China has become the world's largest textile producer. Meanwhile, China's textile and garment export volume ranking first in the world in the global textile and apparel trade plays an important role .As China's economic system reform, exchange rate and export tax rebates, frequent use of economic means of regulation, a direct impact on the textile and garment industry and export trade. In the new historical stage of development, how to secure a major exporter status , how to enhance the competitiveness of export products , and ultimately from the big trading powers of transformation , is the " Twelfth Five-Year " period, China's textile and garment industry 's strategic objectives.
Since 2011,an increasing trend is clearly due to cost , macroeconomic policy adjustments , the weak international demand , domestic demand is constrained by inflation and a series of reasons, the textile and garment industry is facing more challenges. Enterprises in general cognition, many factors are affecting the current business volume and profitability of orders , only a large-scale , high value-added products , technical strength of the enterprise, is it possible to change in the situation to win , to win more market share . Transformation and upgrading of the future for firms seeking to become the main theme.
Keywords: Textiles ; exports ; SWOT; influencing factors ; countermeasures