关键词 江阴;家具;出口;现状;对策
Abstract:furniture industry in Jiangyin has a history of years of development , its development space is very extensive ,and the parts of exports have also made some achievements .But in such a business , the enterprise's overall strength is smaller .there is less Large-scale enterprise in this business. What’s more,there are many issues relative to other industries,such as lacking of industry standards, competitiveness of domestic furniture products market , falling behind of brand construction , improving of forest products entry in Europe and the United States . Therefore analysising to existing problems of jiangyin furniture industry has the vital practical significance to promoting the jiangyin furniture exports,and then raise some relative meansures. In this paper, combined with the reality, and refer to the relevant literature, historical data ,and then research status of jiangyin household industry, size, characteristics and development trend . Combined with the relevant national laws and regulations on how to promote the jiangyin household industry health development to promote the development of the Yangtze river delta furniture industry put forward the feasible countermeasures.
Keywords Jiangyin furniture export status meansures