摘要: 随着世界经济一体化和市场全球化的日趋形成,以及信息技术的高速发展,进入21世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已经成为现代企业的主要管理模式,是当今国际上企业管理理论研究和实践应用的一个新热点,供应链管理己成为企业寻求长远发展、增强竞争力的主要源泉,并带来了整个经营环境的变化。而采购管理作为供应链管理的重点内容之一,是在制造商和供应商之间架起的一座桥梁,能够沟通生产需求与物资供应的联系。为使供应链系统能够实现无缝连接,并提高供应链企业的同步化运作效率,就必须加强采购管理。
关键词:供应链管理 采购管理 采购管理特征 采购管理策略
Abstract: With the incremental development of world economic integration and market globalization, and the quick development of information technology ,supply chain management has been the important management mode for modern enterprises and also been a hot research field for academic study and practical application since 1990,which has been looked upon as the Powerful method for the enterprise to strive for the long- term development, heighten the competition and change the whole management environment. The purchasing management, as one of the most important content in supply management, the bridge to communicate the production and supply between the producer and the supplier. It is necessary to intensify Purchasing management in order to realize the seamless link in the supply chain system and raise the synchronous operating efficiency in supply chain enterprises.
This thesis firstly constructs the theoretical basis through the systematical exposition of the definition of purchasing and purchasing management. The basic structure and character of the traditional purchasing management and its factors and types. It analyzes the purchasing and purchasing management under the management of the supply chain,Described the characteristics of purchasing management in the supply chain and purchasing management strategy.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management; Purchasing Management;Purchasing Management features; Purchasing Management strategy