关键词:后危机时期 欧盟对华贸易保护 影响
ABSTRACT:To In the current financial crisis, the world economy had a serious impact,both developed and developing countries have not been spared.All countries especially developed countries export and employment have been seriously affected, so they turn to trade protectionism.In this article, after the crisis period as the research background, first carries on the theoretical and empirical research on origin of the EU's trade protection. Then, from the needs to defend the technology advantage, reduce unemployment rate, protect related enterprises, analyzes the reason why the EU exports to China in the post-crisis period. Secondly, the European Union in the name of environmental protection to build "green barrier",relying on technology advantage to build technical barriers, carbon tariffs,anti-dumping and intellectual property protection to analysis after the crisis the EU's trade protection forms and characteristics. Once again, study the post-crisis EU trade after the crisis of the EU's trade protection to the influence of Chinese enterprises,finally, analysis of the post-crisis period Chinese enterprises how to deal with the EU trade protectionism.
Keyword: post-crisis period; EU’s trade protectionism; impact
我国可以采取应对金融危机的对策、措施,并积极抵制贸易保护。这样欧盟对华贸易保护才会有所减少,才会利于我国外贸环境的改善。 通过对华贸易保护问题的研究,可以了解到欧盟实施贸易保护背后的真正目的,有利于我国更好地协调各国的利益关系,有利于增强我国的国际竞争力。创造一个经济健康、稳定发展的外贸环境。