摘要:本文以 2005 到 2010 年的数据为基础,运用区位商理论,分析浙江省近年来服务业发展的整体状况、 服务业内部结构存在的问题以及浙江各区域服务业发展的具体情况,并据此提出发展浙江服务业的对策建议。
Abstract: Based on the 2005 to 2010 years of data as a basis for the use location quotient theory,analysis of Zhejiang Province in recent years, the overall state of the service industry, the problem of the internal structure of the services sector and the specific circumstances of services regional development in Zhejiang, and then put forward the development of service industry in Zhejiang countermeasures.
Keywords: Service Industry; Competitiveness; Location Quotient