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  • 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:跨国汽车企业  投资  汽车工业  技术进步  产业结构


ABSTRACT:  Since the 1990s, foreign investors launched a large-scale and systematic investment in China. Multinational auto companies enter China through joint ventures, restructuring, capital and other forms of investment. The Chinese market has become a new profit growth point of multinational auto companies. There have been Daimler-Chrysler, Volkswagen, Peugeot and other dozens of multinational auto giants entering China, trying to seize the Chinese market. Multinational auto companies play a very important role in the development of the Chinese automobile industry, and the impact on the Chinese automobile industry is becoming more and more significant. After multinational auto companies entering China, they brought advanced technology, and optimized the industrial structure, and promoted the rapid development of the Chinese automobile industry. But at the same time, they also brought some problems to the development of the Chinese automobile industry. Therefore, by studying the multinational auto companies entering the Chinese automobile industry is in favor of full and effective using of foreign investment. And we should take the appropriate measures actively to make the Chinese automobile industry develop faster and better. 

Keywords:multinational auto companies;investment;automobile industry;technical progress;industrial structure