摘要:房地产市场是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,其发展能满足人们改善居住条件需求,满足享受型、投资型需求。但近几年来,广州房地产价格持续上涨, 连创新高,远远超过了居民的实际承受能力,高房价成为各界关注的焦点。如何保持房地产的健康有效地发展,合理控制房价的过快上涨,已经成为各级政府的主要政策目标。
本文从政府、开发商、供需关系、消费者等因素入手进行分析, 探讨房价上涨的原因, 并借鉴国外控制房价上涨的政策和措施,提出一些合理性的对策建议。
关键词: 房地产,价格上涨,措施
Abstract:The housing market is an important part of the socialist market economy, its development can meet the needs of the people to improve their living conditions, to meet the enjoyment, investment-oriented demand. Nearly years, Guangzhou's housing prices continued to rise to new heights,far more than the actual capacity of residents,high prices become the focus of public attention. How to maintain the health of real estate development, the reasonable control of the fast rising housing prices, has become the main policy objectives of government at all levels.
From the government, developers, the relationship between supply and demand, consumers and other factors, this paper explore the reasons for the rise of prices and foreign policies and measures to control housing prices, and put forward some reasonable suggestions.
Key Words:Real estate,rising prices,measures