摘 要:改革开放以来,我国把吸引外商直接投资作为经济发展的一个重要内容。外商直接投资在我国有了长足的进步,其规模不断扩大,来源更加趋于多元化。2003-2011年,我国非金融领域实际使用外商直接投资累计达到7164亿美元,年均增长9.2%。中国的FDI投资规模已于近年来连续排名发展中国家第一,利用外资已成为我国经济增长的重要推动力。同时,我国的对外贸易在外商直接投资的促进下发展迅速,对外贸易额乘数十倍增长。多年的实践经验表明,外商直接投资对我国进出口贸易的发展确实做出了巨大的贡献,但同时也带来了不少的问题。新世纪下,如何根据世界经济的发展要求和我国自身的国情更多更好地吸收和利用外商直接投资,以促进我国进出口贸易规模的不断增长和结构的不断优化,对促进我国经济持续健康的发展具有十分重大的意义。
首先,论文论述了外商直接投资与我国贸易的发展概况;其次,从贸易总量、贸易结构和贸易方式三方面分析外商直接投资对我国贸易发展的影响。再次,本文指出了现阶段 FDI 在促进我国进出口贸易发展的过程中存在的问题,并针对如何利用 FDI促进贸易发展提出了一系列具有现实意义的政策建议。
ABSTRACT:Since the reform and opening-up, China put foreign direct investment as an important part of economic development. Foreign Direct Investment in China has made great progress, and its expanding, and more and more diversified sources. 2003-2011, China's non-financial sector actually use foreign direct investment totaled to $ 716.4 billion, average annual growth of 9.2%. China's FDI investment has been ranked first in developing countries in recent years. Utilization of foreign investment has become an important driving force of China's economic growth. Meanwhile, China's foreign trade Developed rapidly under the foreign direct investment’s advancement, and the foreign trade turnover increased tenfold multiplier. Although FDI has made a lot of contribution to China’s import and export trade, it brought many troubles at the same time. In the new century, how to absorb and use more and better FDI according to the requirements of the development of the world economy and China’s own national condition in order to promote the growing scale and continuous optimization of China’s import and export trade is very important for promoting China’s sustained and healthy economic development.
The relationship between international direct investment and international trade has been first analyzed. Secondly, the affect about FDI on trade has been analyzed from the volume, structure and pattern. Finally, the article pointed out problems about FDI promoting trade's development at the present stage, and putting forward a series of practical recommendations.
Keywords: FDI; Trade volume; Trade structure; Countermeasures