摘 要:本文运用索洛余值和生产函数相结合的方法建立经济增长模型即索洛模型对江苏省经济增长进行实证分析,从总量和结构上量化了要素增长率和要素贡献份额。另外,本文还在经济收敛理论的基础上运用1996—2010年的数据对江苏省区域经济增长是否存在收敛进行了实证分析。分析结果表明:1990--1999年,全要素生产率的贡献最大,2000--2010年,资本投入是江苏省经济増长最主要的推动因素;1996年至2010年总体来说江苏省经济趋于收敛,其中2006年至2010年收敛的速度最大,但在1999—2005年间江苏省区域经济处于发散阶段,影响江苏省经济收敛的总要因素是人口和外贸,最后根据研究结论,提出了促进江苏省经济增长收敛的若干政策建议。
ABSTRACT:This paper employs the combination of production function and solow residual value method to establish model of economic growth that is solow model to carry on the empirical analysis, from the total amount and structure of the quantitative elements of growth and contribution to the share. In addition, the article also on the basis of the theory of economic convergence by using data of 1996-2010 in Jiangsu province has carried on the empirical analysis on whether there is a regional economic growth convergence. Analysis results show that in 1990-1999, the largest contribution to the total factor productivity, 2000-2010, capital investment is one of the main economic rights in jiangsu province long driving factor; From 1996 to 2010, overall convergence, the economy of jiangsu province from 2006 to 2006 largest convergence speed, but in 1999-2005 in jiangsu province regional economic divergence stage.According to the research conclusion, the article puts forward several policy Suggestions to promote the economic growth convergence in Jiangsu province.
Keywords: Economic growth; Solow model; Factors contribute to share; Convergence analysis; the empirical analysis