摘 要:随着经济全球化的发展,外商不断加大对我国经济的直接投资,有力地促进了我国经济的增长。但伴随着我国对FDI的引入及其产业转移,一定的环境负外部性也相应产生,并在空间上存在跨界效应,给我国的环境带来一定的影响。
ABSTRACT:With the development of economic globalization, foreign investors continue to increase the direct investment on China's economy, and has made a big contribution to China's economic growth.But FDI also brings some environment problems and some cross-border effects in space.Although FDI's environment effects have been in a state of contention in the academic community, the phenomenon that foreigners transfer the polluting industries to developings by direct investment is an objective reality.In terms of the transfer of polluting industries,this paper mainly analysises FDI's environmental externalities' cross-border effects on the spatial dimension.And try to make certain governance recommendations to reduce environmental externalities brought by foreign direct investment. Make FDI's environment effects research more specific.
At the same time provides some reference to deal with FDI and domestic environment for developings.This is in line with the current direction of China's reform and opening up and construction of ecological civilization.It is good for specificating foreign direct investment behaviors, promotes the development of China's economic transformation,and will contribute to the achievement of a low-carbon economy.
Keywords: FDI;The transfer of polluting industries;Environmental externalities; Cross-border effects