摘 要:近半个世纪以来,跨国公司的高速发展对世界政治、经济和贸易的发展产生了深远影响。在跨国公司中,文化背景多样化、员工构成多元化和语言多样化给企业管理带了一定的障碍。在这样复杂多变的多元文化管理环境下,如何加强组织沟通,来促进公司绩效,已成为制约跨国公司发展的关键问题。因此,对于跨国公司多元文化管理与组织沟通关系的研究,有重要的现实意义。
ABSTRACT:Multinational corporations nearly half a century have made great progress on the global political, economic and trade development , which plays a far-reaching impact. In multinational companies, employees pluralism, social and cultural background and linguistic diversity, has brought to the enterprise's management some obstacles. In such multicultural environment, how to strengthen the organization and management of communication to promote the company's performance has become a bottleneck restricting the development of multinational companies. Thus, for multinational multicultural communication between management and organization studies, has important practical significance.
In this paper, combing the literature on multinational cross-cultural management, based on the current phenomenon of multinational and multicultural characteristics of status statement, summed based multinationals in the management of multicultural issues, combined with some representation of multinational in performance management initiatives for cross-cultural management made a deal with several problems based on the analysis of organizational communication. Meanwhile, elaborated organizational communication's role in performance management and application of multi-cultural differences on multinational issues countermeasures.
This paper attempts to study multicultural management, organizational communication mechanisms and provide some theoretical support for the in reality an effective solution to provide cross-cultural management issues on a number of processes and methods for reference.
Keywords: Multinational corporations; Multiculturalism; Cross-cultural management; Organizational communication; Performance