摘 要:本课题通过对资料的整理分析,得出在国际环境下,欧美等发达国家呼吁制造业回归,印度、墨西哥等发展中国家使中国劳动力优势减弱。在国内环境下,中国人均资源匮乏,通货膨胀严重。受国内和国际因素的影响,中国企业国际化经营势在必行。进而总结出中国企业国际化经营过程中所面临的问题,如创新技术、人才培养、企业文化不足,人文风俗不适应、政治政策不熟悉、法律法规不了解,国际化经营选择战略的错误等。并举出了出现相应问题的具体例子,最后合理的给出了应对国际化经营问题的策略,包括企业自身应如何克服上述问题和政府应该如何帮助、保护企业在国外的利益。同时呼吁中国企业学习和借鉴国外成功企业的经验,致力于为中国企业的国际化经营提供积极意义。
ABSTRACT:This issue through the collation of the data analysis, obtained in an international environment, Europe and other developed countries called for manufacturing regression, India, Mexico and other developing countries to make Chinese labor advantage weakened. In a domestic environment, China's per capita resources are scarce, serious inflation. By domestic and international factors, the internationalization of Chinese enterprises operating imperative. And then summed up the process of internationalization of Chinese enterprises operating in the face of problems, such as innovative technology, personnel training, lack of corporate culture, cultural customs suited, political policies are not familiar with, do not understand the laws and regulations, international management options strategy errors. Citing a specific example of a corresponding problem, and finally gives a reasonable response to the problem of international business strategy, including how the enterprises themselves should overcome the above problems and the government should help to protect your business interests abroad. Also called on Chinese enterprises to learn from foreign experience of successful enterprises, China is committed to the internationalization of enterprises engaged in the provision of positive significance.
Keyword:form of investment;international operation;Labor advantage;innovative technology