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关键词:人民币国际化  银行经营“三性原则” 银行业


Abstract:With the development of China, the economics, politics, military and technology of China have grown stronger and stronger. Thus international status of China has been highly risen. Particularly,Chinese economics has grown rapid, which leads to the tendency of RMB internationalization. For present, RMB internationalization is in the beginning stage. There is still a long way to go before RMB being fully internationalized. However, nothing can stop the momentum of RMB internationalization. And China has been actively prepared for the RMB internationalization. In this era of electronic money, the liquidity of  money is inseparable from electronic banking systems. In the process of RMB internationalization, China's banking industry is bound to impact on the issue about banking business and risk management. RMB internationalization will bring plenty of  opportunities for China's banking industry, but there are many challenges followed also. How to deal with the internationalization of RMB? How to take advantage of the RMB internationalization in RMB banking business, and how to reasonable deal with the risks and challenges followed by? 

   The internationalization of RMB has set new demands to China's banking management. This article first introduced RMB internationalization and its requirements. Then overviewed the historical opportunities and current situation of RMB internationalization.

Therefrom, the article carry on the detail impacts on banking management brought by RMB internationalization. The framework is set according to the "3 principles of banking management", which refers to Safety, Profitability and Liquidity. At last, the article proposed several practical strategies based on present banking industry situation in coping with RMB internationalization.

Key words: RMB internationalization "3 principles of banking management" banking industry