关键词:维稳 信访制度 上访 权利救济 困境
Abstract: Contemporary Chinese petition system, has a long history, and in the different historical period the national management plays an important role in. But in the current" stability overrides everything" dimensional stability background, local governments at all levels to strengthen the citizen petition pressure. This paper attempts to the stability of their rights and to find a balance between, put forward suggestions for the development of letters and visits system continuously, so as to adapt to our country current stability environment.
Key words: maintain stability,inquiry system,the appealing to higher authorities for help, right relief, predicament
维稳即维持稳定,中国社会科学院农村所社会问题研究中心主任于建嵘表示,现在的中国社会有太多的 “敏感”事情、“敏感”人物、“敏感”话题和“敏感”时期,甚至把一些国计民生的问题,都搞成了所谓的“敏感”问题。胡温政府时期,维稳成为政府中心工作,由此产生了政府维稳和群众维权的对抗。由于近几年来,随着官员腐败加剧,社会贫富差距日益扩大,公民基本权利得不到保护等原因,同时信访等法律规定的申诉渠道作用微小,底层群众不得不频繁作超出法律规定的反抗,政府为了维护社会稳定,对这些活动持不支持甚至强硬打压的态度,其指导原则是“稳定压倒一切”。