关键词:自由主义 公共利益 政府责任
Abstract:In the perspective of liberalism, the contents of the public interests mainly include three aspects: preserving the basic surviving rights of the poor while respecting the individual liberty; the justice and high efficiency of political agencies; fairness justice order forgiveness and a series of public ethics being accomplished. Relatively, the government, the market and the society has their unique functions in making and protecting the public interests. With the development of economical globalization and social opening, the functions of government in making public interests is shrinking, however, some core duties of government can’t be denied. Because of the special characteristic and the close connection with public interests, the government still owns its responsibility in accomplishing public interests, and namely it is to promote a more fair distribution of social possessions and make sure itself in justice and high efficiency. It is a challenge for every political systems that promoting the social fairness and justice while not violating the citizen’s liberty.
Key words: Liberalism, Public interests, Government responsibility