摘要: 幸福是一个常论常新的话题,马克思站在历史发展观的角度提出了自己的幸福观,阐述了实践中的人是幸福的主体,实现幸福的最终途径是实现共产主义,实现人的自由而全面的发展。马克思的幸福观对于人们认识幸福,对待不幸都有重要的价值。
关键词: 幸福;马克思主义;当代价值 ;中国梦
Happiness and its contemporary value of Marxism
- interpretation of Marx's classical original works
Abstract: Happiness is a common theory and it is often new topic.Marx who stands in the perspective of historical development put forward its own happiness.The Marx happiness expounds the practice of the people is the subject of happiness ,which also tell us to achieve the ultimate way of happiness is to realize communism.
Besides,Marx shows us the way to happiness is to realize the free and comprehensive development of people
Keywords: Happiness, Marxism,The contemporary value