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  • 更新时间:2013-10-09
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Abstract:children's chorale chorus is a group of teenagers singing form. In the present state of the art education vigorous development, its content, form, and content have new yan stretch. This article simply combed the children's chorale the basic development vein and choral condition, and explores the chorus of children's chorale perspective of practice teaching, with excellent children's chorale in around the guidance of teachers, teaching and training, the key link of practice experience more than integration instructor in summarizing, try to find some new ideas and new ideas attempting to benefit us is heading for platform of new teachers better for children's chorale chorus of teaching practice work.

Keywords: children's chorale chorus, training methods, and the aesthetic education


   组建童声合唱团,其最终目的是满足孩子身心发展过程中对美的需求,需要不断实践、不断摸索,善于积累经验。从“控制规模、有效配置、按质招收”着手,科学施教、培养新人,建立起一支稳定的童声合唱队伍,同时推动童声合唱艺术的发展。 总之,在合唱这门丰富多彩的艺术中,有着广博精深的学问,需要我们去不断地学习、探索、研究,为学生创造一种更完美、更和谐的合唱氛围,只有这样,我们的童声合唱教学才能起到启迪少年儿童的智慧,陶冶他们的情操,使他们的身心得到健康发展,直至完成审美的目的,祝我国的合唱事业日益旺发达!