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  • 更新时间:2014-03-19
  • 论文字数:7782
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 原创论文 > 音乐舞蹈 >
  • 课题来源:(怪叔叔)提供原创文章



关键词:琵琶发展;不同琵琶的对比;新民乐;“新民乐”; 水晶琵琶;《十面埋伏》 


Abstract: This paper first outlines the development of the lute in the course of history, the brilliant and its status. Then analyzed the relationship between traditional and modern pipa from the difference between name and shape, and then analyze the development in the playing position, playing the way, stage performances and compositional style. Finally, Liu Dehai "House of Flying Daggers" the new House of Flying Daggers "and Zhao Cong contrast discourse, draw pipa art in traditional and modern elements, the coexistence and integration.

Key words: The historical development of the lute; Comparison of different pipa ;New music  Crystal Pipa ; "House of Flying Daggers"

