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[摘要] 二胡是我国独具特色的民族拉弦乐器之一,它历史悠久,流传广泛,以其圆润甜美的音色深受广大人民群众的喜爱,在二胡的演奏中最具特色和表现力的技巧之一是左手技法——揉弦,尤其是压揉和滚揉(弦),它们都有自己不同的表现特点,被广泛运用到不同风格的乐曲中,会增加音乐的生动性和律动的美感。


[关键词] 二胡;压揉;揉弦;风格;技巧


[Abstract] Erhu is one of our unique national Bowed Instruments, has a long history, spread widely and very broad masses of the people's favorite, with its sweet and mellow tone, the most distinctive and expressive skills in playing erhu pressure kneading andvibrato, they have different performance characteristics, are widely applied to different styles of music, will increase the vitality and beauty of rhythm of the music.

    This paper discussed playing Law and style differences Erhu playing techniques, pressure rub Tumbler, combined with literature data, the practice of law, expert interviews and other research methods to compare the pressure rubbing with a different style of tumbling set forth a comprehensive system of the problem is described, with a view to carry out a detailed description of erhu playing skills, to promote the development of erhu playing.

[Keywords] erhu; pressure rub; vibrato; style; skills