关键词 四川扬琴,传统乐曲,元素,特色,将军令
ABSTRACT:For YangQinQu the general order of appreciation and playing, the sensation of a solemn sedate, mighty calmly, general war tense. Played by structure, Adagio, Allegro, Presto introduction, epilogue, using simple notes, music variation technique, using Sichuan dulcimer music features, showing a song with the title and the dramatic Wu Qu. "The general" originated from Sichuan music Qupai, regional style of its significant, thus become a repertoire of Sichuan dulcimer, also for the development of Chinese dulcimer traditional music.
In this paper, the Sichuan dulcimer tune "will do a deep discussion on general" version, the musical form structure, music style and performing skills.
Keywords:Sichuan music Traditional music Elements Characteristics The general