假设将这些水平均分布于地球表面,相当于地球整个表面覆盖着一层平均深度为2650米的水。但是令人惋惜的是,所有水98%是咸水,主要分布在海洋中。淡水只占地球总水量的2%,大约有3000万立方公里,然而,即使这2%的淡水也不能全被人类所应用,人类面临的水环境相当严峻,水资源关系到国脉民运,作为一个合格的公民我们必须有较强的节水意识,我国农业灌溉用水约占全国用水总量的 80%以上,在灌溉水的有效利用率只有约40%,所以,推广节水灌溉,势在必行。本文设计了一个以单片机STC89C54为核心的温室自动灌溉系统,实现了对作物根系的土壤温湿度进行实时监测与控制,SHT10土壤专用温湿度传感器采集土壤湿度。系统将周期采集的土壤温湿度数据传送到微处理器模块,对数据进行分析后做出是否灌溉的指令,在灌溉过程中由数据采集模块持续监测土壤湿度,并根据监测结果,反馈控制灌溉设备的启停,以此实现土壤温湿度维持在预设范围。该系统采用人机交互模块实现灌溉阈值的可配置,满足不同作物参数定制需求。
ABSTRACT:Water resource is very rich on earth,It is estimated that the total volume of water is about 1.38 billion cubic kilometers. If these water distributed to divide to the earth's surface,Equivalent to the entire surface of the earth would be covered with a layer of average depth of 2650 meters of water, Unfortunately,All of the 98 percent of water is salt water,mainly distributed in the ocean. And the fresh water only is 2%. There are about 30 million cubic kilometers. However Even if the 2% of all freshwater also cannot be used in human, faced with the water environment human beings is quite severe, the water resources related to countries get pulse, As a qualified citizens we must have strong water saving consciousness, our country agriculture irrigation water accounts for about 80% of the total water above, in the effective utilization rate of irrigation water only about 40%, so, spreading the water-saving irrigation, imperative. This paper designs an STC89C54 with the single chip processor as the core of the greenhouse automatic irrigation system, which realizes the soil temperature and humidity on the root crops real-time monitoring and control. This system to STC89C54 MCU as the core, SHT10 soil temperature and humidity sensors to collect special soil moisture. The system will cycle acquisition soil temperature and humidity data which transfers to a microprocessor module, and analyze the data of whether made after irrigation instructions on irrigation in the process the data acquisition module for monitoring soil moisture, and according to the monitoring results, feedback control irrigation equipment rev. Stop, to realize the soil temperature and humidity in the default maintain range. The system adopts the human-computer interaction modules realize irrigation the threshold value can be configured to meet different crops parameters to customize demand.
Keywords: greenhouse automatic irrigation; Single chip microcomputer; Soil testing temperature and humidity