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本说明书的内容是上海大众POLO 2011款1.6 AT致酷版轿车制动系统的设计。首先提到汽车制动系统的发展、结构、分类,并通过对鼓式制动器和盘式制动器的结构及优缺点进行分析。最终确定方案采用液压双回路前后盘式制动器。除此之外,它还包括前后制动器、制动主缸的设计计算,主要部件的参数选择的设计过程。

最后对所设计的制动器进行了制动减速度、制动距离、最大驻坡度的验算,根据设计与计算用CAD 绘制出了该轿车制动器的装配图和制动钳体、制动盘、活塞、摩擦衬块等零件图。




The rapid development of the domestic vehicle market, saloon car is an important tendency of vehicle. However, with increasing of vehicle, security issues are arising from increasingly attracting attention, the braking system is one of important system of active safety. Therefore, how to design a high-performance braking system, to provide protection for safe driving is the main problem we must solve. In addition, with increasing competition of vehicle market, how to shorten the product development cycle, to improve design efficiency and to lower costs, to improve the market competitiveness of products, and has become a key to success of enterprises.

This paper mainly introduces the design of braking system of the ShangHai Volkswagen POLO 2011 1.6 AT POLO. Fist of all, braking system’s development, structure and category are shown, and according to the structures, virtues and weakness of drum brake and disc brake, analysis is done. At last, the plan adopting hydroid two-backway brake with front disc.Besides, this paper also introduces the designing process of front brake and rear brake, braking cylinder, parameter’s choice of main components braking and channel setting.

The above finished the design of brake the regenerative braking distance reduced velocity and calculating the stability of brake performance and the direction of braking, Finally, according to the design and calculation were plotted with CAD drawings of the commercial brakes and brake caliper body, brake disc, piston, friction lining block etc parts graph。

In addition, this paper introduced the structure types of brake driving mechanism choice,brake main cylinder, brake pipe multi-loop system selection and brake the present research situation and development prospect.

Keyword: braking; brake disc; hydroid pressure; Checking calculation.