ABSTRACT:Electric power, with people’s increasing dependence on electric industry, plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of modern society. Though the installed capacity of power system of China has been enlarging massively during the past decades, it still lags behind the growing demand of this huge society. Simultaneously, individuals are paying closer attention to the electric quality. As an effective technique to improve voltage quality and lessen power loss, reactive power optimization (RPO) is always a hotspot for electric researchers. this paper analyze the function of reactive compensation. We utilize Genetic Algorithm to fix compensation locations and their corresponding compensation capacity. We introduce some methods to improve GA for quicker convergence and better global search ability.
Simulation results, in matlab environment, of IEEE 33-bus system show that GA can solve the RPO problem cogently. GA has a promising prospect of practical application.
KEYWORDS: Reactive Power Optimization; Genetic Algorithm; Voltage Quality; Power Loss