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  • 需要金币1000 个金币
  • 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告,任务书
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  • 更新时间:2013-08-04
  • 论文字数:14934
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 毕业设计 > 信息与计算科学 >
  • 课题来源:(致青春郑微)提供原创文章


摘要:关系型数据库(RDBS)和文本型数据库(TDBS)是当今应用最广泛的数据库管理系统。前者适用于能用表格处理的,即比较规范且不会太长的数据;后者擅长处理那些规格不一,结构不定、类型各异、长度参差的所谓非结构化数据。随着互联网快速发展和OA系统普及,非结构化数据呈爆炸性增长,目前80%以上的业务属于非结构化数据处理。面对非结构化数据,用关系型数据库处理力不从心。TRIP(Text Retrieval Information Processing)是专门面向非结构化数据而设计、开发的,以内容的快速查找为目标的大型档案数据库管理系统。它具有不限记录长短、不拘字段个数都能快速存取海量数据以及运行稳定、易于使用和能够存储各种类型数据等特点,20多年前已享誉欧、美。但因多种原因不像关系型数据库这类结构化的表格系统那样普及。利用TRIP系统作为工具平台,进行应用开发,在处理非结构化数据普遍面临大量文、图、音、视信息管理中,具有明显的优势。



关键词:检索系统  非结构化  TRIP  资源管理  CCL命令  C#


Abstract:Relational database (RDBS) and text database (TDBS) are the most popular database managing systems. RDBS is suitable for handling normative data with normalized specification and limited length, while the TDBS is suitable for handling those non-normative data with different type, structure and length. As a result of rapid development of Internet and OA systems, about 80% data used today are non-normative data can’t be processed by RDBS. Text Retrieval Information Processing(TRIP)system is an information query and manage system good at handling non-normative data, with no limit on the record length and field number, and had been widely used in Europe and United States 20 years ago. As an applications developing platform, TRIP is superior at handling non-normative data with large amounts of text, audio, visual information.

   This graduation project has realized the design of a local desk file archive, query and manage system, which will be applied in the multimedia resource sharing platform of Applied Arts Experimental Teaching Center of the Beijing Union University.

   This thesis consists of three parts, first part introduces the research background and significance of this work and the current progress of related research; The second section describes the characteristics of the TRIP database and basic operations; The third part focuses on systems analysis, design and development of the desk file query system based on TRIP. Based on C / S (Client / Server) architecture and the C # development platform, the system can access local disk files and TRIP database, store different kind of files in the database, and retrieve achieves efficiently and accurately.

Key Words:Retrieval System   Unstructured   TRIP   CCL order   C#