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摘要:物流成本核算是进行物流成本管理与控制的基础。本文按照国家标准GB/T20523-2006《企业物流成本构成与计算》,概述了企业物流成本构成的界定和物流成本的核算方法。企业物流成本构成包括企业物流成本项目构成、 企业物流成本范围构成和企业物流成本支付形态构成三种类型,物流成本的核算以企业物流成本构成为物流成本计算对象,在不改变现行会计核算体系的情况下核算物流成本,从而为企业物流成本管理工作提供数据支持。

  在以上的基础下,分析了企业物流成本管理决策的基本流程,并结合计算机专业相关的知识,利用 ASP.NET,数据库等方面的技术,逐步分析并实例化了一个可以初步用于核算物流成本和物流成本构成分析的系统。系统设计的主要过程包括需求分析、功能模块划分、数据流分析、系统实现、系统测试。经过多次的测试和修改,最终基本完成了该系统,使得企业在物流成本核算,物流成本报表生成和物流成本构成分析上更加方便。

关键词:物流成本构成 物流成本核算方法 成本构成饼图


Abstract:Logistics cost accounting is the basis of logistics cost management. This paper outlines the definition of logistics cost structure and logistics cost accounting methods according to national standards GB/T20523-2006 "Composition and calculation of enterprise logistics cost". Enterprise logistics cost’s components include constitution of enterprise logistics cost items, constitution of enterprise logistics cost’s scope and payment form of enterprise logistics cost. Logistics cost accounting is according to enterprise logistics cost’s components and does not change the current accounting system. It provided data to support logistics cost management for enterprises.

  In the above basis, this paper analyzes the basic flow of enterprise logistics cost management decision. And step by step analyzes an example of the practical application of Logistics cost accounting and cost structure analysis system combined with computer science-related knowledge, using ASP.NET, database technical. The main process involves requirements analysis, division of functional modules, data flow analysis, system implementation and system testing. The system has basically been completed after several tests and modifications. So that enterprises would be more convenient in logistics cost accounting, logistics cost report generation and composition of enterprise logistics cost.

Keywords: composition of enterprise logistics cost;logistics cost accounting methods; pie chart of cost structure


