本文所述的是一个基于WEB的企业办公系统的设计与实现,其中主要开发技术为JSP,数据库采用SQL Server 2005。本系统由通用模块和管理模块组成,通用模块主要包含:个人资料管理,内部论坛管理,邮箱管理,意见箱管理;管理模块主要包含:员工管理,部门管理,公告管理,考核管理。在信息沟通交流上,有效改善了企事业单位的办公环境与效率。企业网上办公自动化通过对各办公自动化要素的闭环整合,实现了工作流、信息流、知识流和办公自动化系统的整合管理,提供了一个科学、开放、先进的信息化办公平台,是实现无纸化办公的主要途径。
关键词 办公自动化;JSP;SQL Server 2005
Abstract:With the expansion of the scale of enterprise and geographical scope of work, the demand for fast, efficient, interactive office system is on the increase.This online office system under discussion appropriately meets the demand.
This article is the design and implementation of a WEB based enterprise office automation system, which main technology is JSP, database using SQL Server 2005.This system is composed of general module and management module. General module mainly includes: personal information management, BBS management, mail management, suggestion box management. Management module mainly includes: staff management, department management, bulletin management, assessment management. In terms of information communication.This office system effectively improves the office environment and the efficiency of enterprises and institutions. Through closed-looped integrating various office automation elements, the online enterprise office automation realizes the integration and management of the workflow, information flow, knowledge flow office and automation system. Thus it provides a scientific, open, the advanced informationalized work platform, which is the main way to realize paperless office.
This system, which improves the office environment and the efficiency of enterprises and institutions, has a certain practical value.
Keywords Office automation JSP SQL Server 2005