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   为实现以上所述的各项目的,本系统应用了ASP语言与 ACCESS数据库达到对数据库的调用。

关键词 网上评教;ASP;B/S模式;ACCESS


Abstract: With the popularity of microcomputers, understand the role of the computer is more and more people. "Online assessment system" is a tide in the information generated. Now has its own assessment system is more and more schools, and gradually achieve a paperless evaluating teaching, but with a little common system problems, such as: do not humane, operation is not simple and so on. Students, teachers generally feel when using the above-mentioned problem is more obvious. In view of this problem, "online teaching evaluation system," the application of B / S mode, making this system has many advantages, first of all help hospital leaders understand their teachers' work, and to facilitate educational administration personnel management teaching evaluation results and make the necessary statistical analysis, of course, the system is also classroom teachers teaching quality checks effective supervision as a means of teaching.

   To reach the golas above,we use ASP and ACCESS to reach zhe calls to zhe database.

Keywords: Online Teaching Assessment;ASP;B/Smode;ACCESS