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关键词:步进式加热炉 步进液压系统 炉底机械


ABSTRACT:Reheating furnace wire rod rolling mill for steel companies to meet the requirements of the production process, according to wire rod rolling mills and process requirements, will be sent to the billet reheating furnace is heated, and meet the rolling temperature requirements. Common types can be divided into direct stepping institutions from the top, inclined block pulley, eccentric wheel.

   This selection of the hydraulic cylinder reheating furnace, using a hydraulic actuator stable operation, simple structure, more accurate control of speed, small footprint, the quality of equipment smaller. This paper is a reheating furnace and demonstration program conducted to determine the final plan, and then the structural design, strength checking, the hydraulic system to determine calculus four aspects of the detailed description, as well as manufacturing, installation, and maintenance process should pay attention issues were introduced

Keywords: Reheating furnace; Stepping hydraulic system;Bottom machinery


   步进式加热炉的炉底大概又升降机构,平移机构,步进液压系统等主要零部件构成的,随着技术的发展,加热炉的炉底液压系统新的技术改革,加热炉液压系统具有的优点: 系统采用“ 恒压变量泵, 可根据系统需要自动给出输出流量, 泵始终于正常工作状态。采用比例阀控制, 做到轻拿轻放功能。同时在改进液压系统的同时,对其动力源也进行了相应的改善,为解决油缸两侧压力突变的情况,将提升液压缸和移动液压缸均换成对称式的液压缸,同时缸的直径、活塞杆的直径和所有其它的尺寸均保持不变,则步进梁周期运动的时间与速度要相应的进行调整。因此步进式加热炉的炉底机械随着技术的更新,不断的在各方面都有新的发展。