摘 要:随着时代的发展,人们对生活水平以及健康的关注度越来越高,而噪音污染成为一种新型的污染,噪音污染被认为是仅次于大气污染和水污染的第三大污染,城市的噪音污染日益严重。在噪音污染中,汽车噪音占了相当一部分比重。随着中国汽车工业的高速发展,城市中汽车保有量逐年增加。城市的汽车噪音越来越严重,同时人们对汽车乘坐的舒适性要求也越来越高,而汽车噪声主要来自汽车排气噪声,所以制造好的消声器成为各大汽车厂商的目标。若不加消声器,在一定速度下,噪声可达100分贝以上。其次为引擎噪声和轮胎噪声,引擎噪声在汽车正常运转时,可达90分贝以上,而轮胎噪声在车速为90公里\/时以上时,可达95分贝左右。因此,在排气系统中加上消声器,可使汽车排气噪声降低20-30分贝。
在汽车排气消声器生产过程中, 消声壳体折边是一道重要工序。其折边质量的好坏直接影响到消声器端盖咬口质量。而目前国内相关设备比较落后,先进设备为国外所有,所以,必须研制专用的汽车消声器折边设备。
ABSTRACT:With the development of the times, people living level and health has been paid more and more attention, and noise pollution has become a new pollution, noise pollution is considered to be the third major pollution after air pollution and water pollution, noise pollution in the city is becoming more and more serious. In the noise, car noise accounted for a considerable part of proportion. With the rapid development of China's automobile industry, car ownership increased year by year in the city. Vehicle noise is more and more serious in city, and the people to the automobile ride comfort requirements are also getting higher and higher, and the vehicle noise mainly comes from automobile exhaust noise muffler, so make good become the major automobile manufacturers target. Without the muffler, at a certain speed, the noise reached 100 decibels. Secondly, as the engine noise and tire noise, engine noise in the car during normal operation, can be more than 90 dB, and the noise in the speed of 90 km / above, can reach up to 95 decibels. Therefore, plus the muffler in exhaust system, can make the automobile exhaust noise reduction of 20-30 db.
In the automobile exhaust muffler muffler shell flanging process, is an important process. The flanging quality directly affect the muffler cover bite quality. At present, domestic equipment is relatively backward, advanced equipment for foreign all, therefore, the development of automobile silencer equipment dedicated to.
Automobile muffler part shape for the majority of the round and oval structure, its structure and processing quality has direct influence on attenuation effect, the processing equipment for special equipment, quality is uneven, upgrade the technological level of the domestic equipment, the design of the equipment, through the change of the moulds, this machine can carry out other process. This design has the good theory significance and use value.
Keywords: noise; muffler; flanging; die;