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  • 更新时间:2013-11-08
  • 论文字数:6697
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 毕业设计 > 环境艺术 >
  • 课题来源:(邻座的怪同学)提供原创文章




关键词:蜂巢 统一 韵律 协调


ABSTRACT:With the development of the society, people is higher and higher requirement for quality of life. Wine cellar design is also developed from full customer functional requirements to meet the spiritual needs of customer. Visual enjoy, psychological suggestion, stimulating consumption is design for wine cellar. Tend to be some different high quality space to break all the rules, often can attract more people's attention. Here, I will use honeycomb as the basic elements of design, to create a full of contemporary feeling, fashion sense and sense of science and technology of noble elegant pure wine cellar.

   Western wine cellar, are usually gorgeous adornment design, European tastes delicious. For future wine cellar design, whether can use modern fashion color and fashion element reflects the charm of western red wine cellar? Thickness and fashion can pour the wine history of purity, using modern beehive elements and white, and mirror metallic materials will wine cellar culture to express.

Keywords:honeycomb;unified;rhythm;to coordinate

