摘要:平面设计活动在现代设计环境中趋向饱和,我们的设计师并不满足于把信息单向地以平面印刷品的形式传递给受众。表现形式的多样化是设计师追求突破的途径之一,是现代受众视觉审美的需求。我们的受众每天会接触大量的平面宣传媒介,在这样的环境里,受众获取信息的途径大多是面对一张写着宣传信息的纸张,受众被动地去告知信息,两者的关系略显孤立冷淡。平面设计的“立体化”,主要是信息展现突破了“视觉”层面和二维层面,受众从多感官、多维度的角度,去理解并体会平面设计展现出的信息。平面设计 “立体化”很好的削减了受众对信息接纳的排斥心理,形式多样、有效沟通且更具亲和力。
Abstract:The plane design activities in the modern design environment is becoming saturated, our designers are not satisfied with the information in the one-way plane in the form of printed matter passed to the audience. Form of diversification is one of the ways to break through the stylist pursuit, is a modern audience visual aesthetic demand. Our audience can come in contact with a lot of plane every day propaganda media, in such an environment, the audience for information way is to face a written mostly propaganda information paper and the audience passively to inform information, the relationship between the two is shown slightly isolated the cold shoulder. Graphic design "three-dimensional to take", mainly is the information show broke through the "vision" level and 2d level and the audience from the many senses, multidimensional perspective, to understand and feel graphic design show information. The plane design "three-dimensional to take" very good cut the audience of information accepted rejection psychology, various in form, effective communication and more affinity.
Key Words:Graphic design, three-dimensional, trend