关键词:自闭症儿童 游戏治疗 玩具设计
Abstract:This paper mainly studies the toy design for autistic children and its significance. Paper autistic children this special group, and puts forward the concept of play therapy, which has emphatically analyzed the toy design, play therapy can be found through research, the various forms of play therapy in toys for media, toy instruments as the effective objects play therapy, always ACTS as an extremely important role in, so toy designers design toys, autistic children should be taken into consideration the psychological, behavior, cognitive factors, and follow the toy design gameplay, safety and functional. These toys can let autistic children in futzing with toys have better sense of joy and others, and the interaction between the sense of this pleasure mood as a strengthening, whether on language, or nonverbal, have significant effect, this toy is a game more verified the material foundation treatment. Last year, a sharp increase of autistic children of their study also relatively backward, and still stay on the foreign theory, so this topic validation above the research also has certain practical significance.
Key words:Autistic children; The game treats; Toy design