Abstract:Commercial display design of a modern society and have very complex features of the industry professional. Business environment of modern society more diverse, consumers demand more and more attention to personalization, Then the "people" is essential, we should pay more attention to the design is physically and mentally comfortable environment, with the United States, and functional design language to create modern commercial exhibition space. The core is the "people" as the center, designed to create, to be able to fully adapt、Meet as a "human" needs. So "people-oriented" is the commercial heart of exhibition design. In this thesis, mainly on the "design people" were discussed, by showing the human commercial design summarized and analyzed, commercial display design to illustrate the human factors are included, further elaborated in order to demonstrate people-oriented design of commercial importance. From different angles and levels of the design of humanity to be addressed
Key Words:Commercial display, Human design, Application.
民族的就是世界的,世界的就是时尚的。中国有着特殊的社会历史、特殊的室内装饰历史,中国室内装饰有着自己独特的魅力,自然能受到国内外的喜爱。而软装饰艺术设计之所以受到人们的重视与关注,究其原因是:人们为了健康,生活要回归自然;人们为了意趣,收藏把玩古董字画;人们为了舒适,室内家具物品更为人性化;人们为了品味,增加居室软装饰用品。 随着软装在家装中所占比例越来越大,也有不少装饰公司开始在提供“硬装”的同时融入家居软装服务,如前面所提到的设计师连君曼便是典型的例子。软装在家居设计中起着非常大的作用,直接把握着整体装饰风格的走向。随着人民生活水平的提高,对艺术文化品位、生活质量的要求大幅度地提升,软装行业越来越炙手可热。