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   中国式电影,中国本土的电影人是很有实力有话语权,有竞争力。这比较是自己最熟悉的语言,最熟悉个国度,最熟悉的人们。要做好中国元素在电影中的运用,是最得心应手的,这是天然的优势。但事实并不是这样,中国式电影并没能完全运用好中国元素,这其中的原因也是多方面的 。中国电影的国际形象也开始多层次的含义与变化。


关键词: 中国电影 中国元素 应用 理解 对比 国际形象 反思


Abstract:Now the movie market continued to boom, more and more consumers, many fans, many of the appreciation taste, thereby promoting the film market of schools of thought contend. Now the newly released movie, a then a fire up. What on breaking box office records, box-office billions, most young director, luxury star lineup. But not a word about film and television art decorate, maybe this is the Chinese film on the surface only see part of commercial films, but for a long time in the past, the influence of these films will cease to exist. Just a pile of data, no matter historical value.

   The application of Chinese elements in the film, not just confined to literature and art in the film use. Now all kinds of movies, if you want to succeed, I read the Chinese market is very heavy, however, China's various distinctive element's use in the film, regardless of the use of unreasonable, anyhow have been mining the Chinese element to build the Chinese movie.

   In this respect, China is a very powerful voice, local filmmakers have to be competitive. This comparison is the most familiar language, the most familiar with a country, the most familiar people. Must complete the application of Chinese elements in the film, is the most comfortable, it is a natural advantage. But it isn't so, Chinese movie failed to fully use good Chinese elements, there are many reasons. The international image of China's film also started multi-level meaning and change.

   China's dream and great ideas are implemented step by step is put forward. China's powerful, attracted the attention of the world. Began to let the world know China's culture. Economic globalization, the world body, the influence of Chinese culture also began to slowly zoom in. China's market makes snaked through all over the world, all want to split. There are too many Chinese elements, from blindly ridicule to respect now. Even sometimes kind there are ambiguous. The strength of a country should be to reflect a country's comprehensive national strength level. Related industry evelopment impetus to the development of the film market, driving the development of Chinese film. In some areas, Chinese movie and foreign movies or have a large gap, foreign film industry began to occupy a large proportion of the market, serious impact on China's influence and popularity of local film. Rise of how Chinese movie, movie international environment how to deal with now, is worth reflecting in Chinese filmmakers.

Key words: Chinese film;Chinese elements;application;understand;contrast;Image in the world;introspect