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摘  要:在空间设计中,区域划分只是这个大前提的冰山一角,也是不可或缺的重要环节,一次成功的区域划分会立即使整个空间显得生动起来。人流动线也是包括在功能区域划分中的,演示、洽谈空间与展示、参观流动空间相比,应属静与动的对比,具有不定性、多变性,因此设计中要充分研究它们之间的这种性质,使各种需求都能得到满足。展示功能区域划分应满足展示、演示、洽谈、人员流动、休息等多方面的功能。在诸多功能中,尤以展示功能和人员流动功能最为重要。功能区域的划分是一个展会成功与否最为关键的一个环节,而人流动线在这个重要环节中扮演的就是一个指引和流通的角色。功能区域的划分主要取决于展示内容的分布以及功能的需要,展示内容其内在的秩序需要通过展示区域的划分体现出来,而展示区域又需要人流动线来串联才能有秩序、有步骤的呈现内容。

关键词:展示空间  功能区域    展示内容  人流动线  指引性


ABSTRACT: In the design of space, zoning this premise only the tip of the iceberg, is also an essential part of a successful regional Division will now make the entire space is coming alive. People flow line is also included in the functional area, demonstrates, the discussion space and display, visit the mobile space than should be static and dynamic contrast, uncertainty, versatility, design to full study of this nature between them, so that needs can be met. Show feature region should meet the show, presentation, negotiation and the movement of people, rest, and many other features. In many features, especially to demonstrate the features and movement of people is most important. Functional areas of the Division is the most critical part of the success of an exhibition, and people flow line in this important aspect of play is a guideline and circulation roles. Delineation of the functional area depends largely on the distribution and function of displaying the content needs, exhibits its internal order need to show regional divide reflected, exhibition area and people flow lines for in-line to the orderly, systematic and rendering content.

Key words:   function area  display space  item on display   kinetonema   guide