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摘要:目前煤在我国一次能源中占75%左右, 燃煤锅炉排放烟气是大气污染的最主要根源。燃煤产生的二氧化硫使我国的酸雨污染逐年加重。全国每年消耗5000万吨标准煤用于火力发电,电力工业已经成为我国最大的污染排放产业之一,烟气脱硫是目前燃煤电厂控制SO2气体排放最有效和应用最广的技术,然而传统烟气脱硫系统面临成本高、对一线工人身体伤害极大和效率低下等一系列问题,所以急需一套自动化程度高操作简便高效廉价的控制系统。本文针对目前的这种情况设计一套基于组态王的湿法烟气脱硫的自动控制系统,利用国产组态软件组态王kingview 6.53编制监控程序制作监控画面,利用各种传感器变送器采集数据,通过通讯模块实现数据与监控程序的通讯完成各项数据的采集和下发。通过这些软件硬件的搭配可以实现对烟气脱硫装置的自动监控。本系统监控烟气含尘量、进塔气体流量、混合池液位、喷淋塔PH等数据。运用这套系统可以节约人力资源提高生产效率提高可靠度。由于以上的优势本控制系统适合在使用各大中型燃煤锅炉的工厂进行使用。



Abstract:Facing into the high, to worker of a gleam of bodily harm and low efficiency and a great series of problems, it needs a high degree of automation is simple cheap and efficient control system. This article in view of the present situation of design based on a set of wet flue gas desulfurization by automatic control system, using the domestic configuration software  Kingview 6.53 for monitoring production process monitor screen, using a variety of sensor data collection, through the communication module to realize the data communication and monitoring program of complete data acquisition and issued. Through the software and hardware collocation can be achieved on the flue gas desulfurization device of automatic monitoring and control. The monitoring system for flue gas dust content into the tower, gas flow, mixing pool level, spray tower PH data. Using this system can save manpower resources, raise production efficiency and reliability. Because of the advantages of the control system suitable for use in the large and medium-sized coal-fired boiler factory use.

Key words: Wet process of FGD;Kingview 6.53;FGD;Monitoring system